

Ancestor Fan Chart

This type of chart is produced directly from your family file, any amount of data such as B,M,D, dates and locations can be entered onto the chart, empty boxes for those missing ancestors are included on the tree, the outer ring of the 8 generation fan chart below contains 128 boxes, the larger of the boxes contains information about the person, the smaller outer boxes do not contain any information, the information for the missing people can be added by hand when you find it out.

A wide range of options available to create the chart to your own design preferences.

You may require something different to what is shown below. Please click the following link to choose other designs and colours for your family tree print... Family Tree Chart design options..

Due to the vast differences in size and weights of printed family trees Postage and Packing are not included in the price.

We offer a free design and preview service, just ask for a free quote.

A printed title of your choice can be added to chart free of charge.

These screen shots have been greatly reduced in size so they are low quality and do not look as good as the full size

The text is flipped so the it reads differently on each side of the fan here is the right side of the chart, the text will always read vertically from the outside edge of the chart inwards towards the center of the chart.

Here is the left side of the chart

We have found that the genealogy program Genbox is great at creating a whole range family trees, this Fan Chart was created using that program.

Click on the picture above to visit the Genbox website where you can download the full working version of the program FREE for a 30 day free trial.

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Wednesday 19 February, 2025
8764330 requests since 2002